Coming Up: Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race

Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race

Together, we can take some time to give back—and even save lives. The Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race offers a chance to bring attention to the dangers of distracted driving. They show that we can all protect lives and honor the legacy of Auburn football legend Philip Lutzenkirchen. You still have time to register or donate to this remote event, which takes place on August 1.

What is the Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race?

During his time at Auburn University, Philip Lutzenkirchen achieved a school record of 14 touchdowns. That’s the most receiving touchdowns by a tight end in the Tigers’ history. No matter where he lived and played, he was a well-loved part of his community.

Sadly, he passed away in a car accident in 2014, but his legacy survives. His loved ones have established programs like 43 Key Seconds, the Lutzie 43 Foundation character-building curriculum, and the Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race in his honor. Proceeds earned by the race will help fund these programs, which raise awareness about distracted driving, give out scholarships, and more.

2020 marks the 6th Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race. This year, runners can raise money on virtual teams or by racing solo. You can also donate to Lutzie 43 Foundation directly.

How do I participate in the race?

The Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race takes place on August 1. You can register on their site as a single runner or as a team. The cost of registration will automatically cover a T-shirt, which they will ship for free to your home. Because the race is virtual, you can run from any place and at any time throughout the day. Please, wear sunscreen if you’re running during the daylight and high-visibility gear if running during the darker hours.

How do I support 43 Key Seconds?

Even if you cannot run or donate, you can still make a difference. The Lutzie 43 Foundation has created an initiative called “43 Key Seconds.” It asks drivers to sit in their cars for a full 43 seconds before putting their keys in the ignition.

During that time, they should see if their minds and vision are unclouded, and that they have the proper hand-eye coordination. If the answer is no, then they should call an unimpaired friend or ride for a safe trip home. Taking less than a minute to do this could save your life—and the lives of others. You can also sign the pledge here.


Distracted driving ends the lives of more than 3,000 people a year. You can play a part to save lives—and honor Philip Lutzenkirchen—by supporting the Lutzie 43 Foundation. Whether that means running in the Lutzie 43 Foundation Virtual Race, supporting 43 Key Seconds, or simply spreading the word, you can make an important impact.

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